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Enlight Technology

Design and Optimization of FBAR filters to enable 5G

5G is the world's next step into cellular mobile communications with high data rates and reduced latency, but are we going as fast we can to achieve it?

The first global 5G standard has arrived, and the industry is one step closer to a dreamed-about “5G future.” But much R&D and standards work remains to be done before we can realize the full potential of 5G. The bulk of the 5G opportunity—to the tune of $12.3 trillion—still lies ahead, as mobile networks expand and cellular technology spreads into new areas (new use cases, new verticals, new entities, new types of deployments).

In this whitepaper, we’ll look at the next wave of 5G NR technologies, including key ongoing efforts to 5G into its future and realize the full 5G opportunity. These efforts include the utilization of shared and unlicensed spectrum, private 5G NR networks for the industrial Internet of Things, C-V2X for autonomous driving, and more.

Dive into this paper to see how the 5G future is still taking shape.


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