The cloud engineering simulation platform built by engineers for engineers.
Key Features and Enhancements
Intuitive workflow
Modern UI & UX
OnScale Solve UI is cloud-native and built on the latest web browser technology, thus facilitating an efficient, intuitive simulation workflow and delightful user experience:
Meshing operations are fully automated allowing the user to concentrate on the simulation problem at hand.
From within the UI the user is able to interact with all of the simulation results data stored on the cloud, accessing only the data needed to generate charts, tables, images, and animations.
Team and project dashboards are available to efficiently navigate simulation studies and manage core-hour usage.
Efficient Design & Version Management
Built-in version control eliminates the need for a separate Product Data Management (PDM) system. Everybody works on the latest design data at all times, and a Git-style design tree enables multiple product ideas to be developed in parallel.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Security is paramount with OnScale Solve. Account administrators can choose to enable multi-factor authentication and maintain adherence to company IT security policies.
*Taking advantage of multi-factor authentication functionality is highly recommended. Solely using a password to sign into an application makes users more susceptible to security threats.
Simulation API
The Simulation API available in OnScale Solve is Python-based and fully supports UI and solvers calls allowing any functionality to be accessed within a script and embedded in any process.
The Simulation API adds a greater amount of flexibility and control to OnScale Solve: simulations can be efficiently defined and submitted through different mechanisms and workflows including user-defined scripts, third-party tools, and even a user-built UI or app.
In addition to the Python language, the Simulation API will also be usable via MATLAB and HTTP request methods.
Detailed Simulation Status
This powerful feature provides visibility into the simulation process that have been traditionally difficult to obtain. Quickly review simulation status through intuitive dashboards:
Track simulation studies, run-times, core-hour balance and spend to date.
Easily move through previous versions and gain insights into the evolution of the design.
Parametric Analysis Massive simulation studies can be run by parameterizing load conditions and material properties.
Collaboration and Sharing
Private Projects
OnScale Solve offers a Free Private account loaded with 500 core-hours per year of simulation power.
STEM educators and students can benefit from the free online simulation capabilities available in OnScale Solve, while professional users can enjoy running complex simulations and explore massive design spaces to get a glimpse of how cloud engineering simulation can enable the accurate design of modern products.
CAD and Mesh Automation
CAD Geometry Checking & Repair OnScale Solve automatically scans a CAD geometry for issues that would effect the creation of a valid simulation, reports these to the users, and where possible will repair them. As with all OnScale Solve features, powerful back-end AI algorithms learn from each iteration and make future imports faster and more reliable. CAD 3D Model Set-Up Rendering Easily identify boundary conditions and types of physics applied in the model through intuitive 3D rendering in the UI. Helping remove confusion and ambiguity on the simulation set-up enables more reliable results to be achieved downstream, removing the garbage in garbage out (GIGO) conditions that have plagued simulation tools since their inception. Onshape CAD Integration Designed as a Cloud Engineering Simulation platform, OnScale Solve has been expanded with Onshape, the cloud-native product development platform that unites CAD and data management. This integration allows engineers to access both CAD and simulation in the cloud, providing them with a unique SaaS design and engineering innovation platform. High Aspect Ratio Elements The automated mesher can also handle thin (high aspect ratio) parts using shells (high aspect ratio hex elements). Automatic Meshing OnScale Solve simplifies meshing with a sophisticated automated mesher. The user need only specify the desired level of refinement to obtain an efficient and effective mesh that passes multiple built-in quality checks. The resulting mesh is fully viewable. Multiphysics Solvers
Default Material Library
OnScale Solve provides an extensive database of pre-defined materials to simplify model definition.
Mechanical: General Boundary Conditions & Loads
OnScale Solve offers a variety of load types and boundary conditions to meet your needs:
Surfaces may be fixed in any degree of freedom or have an imposed displacement.
Symmetry planes can be defined to reduce model size.
Loads may be specified by distributed pressure or by total force.
Mechanical: Displacement Boundary Condition
Apply prescribed displacements to any face or edge in a model:
Users can specify values for X-, Y-, or Z-displacement or leave specific directions free to deform.
Reaction forces and moments are automatically saved for any mechanical displacement feature.
Thermal: Heat Transfer Coefficient
OnScale Solve allows users to define a heat transfer coefficient according to Newton’s cooling law. Users can select a surface and assign a coefficient value expressed in W/(m2*K) together with a reference surroundings temperature value.
Thermal: Heat Flux Boundary Condition
OnScale Solve allows users to include heat fluxes by selecting a surface and assign either a total heat flux in Watts or a heat flux density in Watts/m2.
Thermal: Thermal Power Volumetric Condition
OnScale Solve allows users to include volumetric heat sources by selecting a entire part and assign a total power in Watts.
Thermal: Temperature Condition
OnScale Solve allows users to fix the temperature of a selected surface or an entire part.
Insightful Results Analysis
Simulation Results Handling
Simulation results are organized by project in an intuitive tree structure, providing easy access and navigation.
Cloud storage eliminates the need for local file management.
Jupyter Notebooks
Utilize the power and flexibility of Jupyter Notebooks to postprocess your simulation results, live on the cloud, the way you want to:
Capture macros.
Import existing Python libraries.
Reuse existing code-bases.
Jupyter Notebooks are embedded in OnScale Solve providing users with unlimited options to work with their simulation data and extract insights quickly to make better, more informed design decisions. Previous Study Physics View Keeping simulation results linked to the study who originated them is made easy in OnScale Solve through the Previous Study Physics View. Once in the Results mode, all applied Physics are displayed alongside results, allowing users to quickly check setup details without ever leaving the Results mode. Users can also copy any physics feature to a new or existing simulation project.
Study Navigation & Filtering Results view filters, which allow navigation based on study parameters, enable narrowing a multi simulation study space down to the results that matter.
Enlight Technology Co., Ltd.
OnScale Authorized Distributor PacRim Taiwan