Improved Handling of Array Creation and Spacing in L-Edit Using Alignment Operations
Tile2DArray icon now controls rows/columns when all selected objects are centered and overlapped
A dialog to specify number of objects in row or column will be displayed
To get the dialog, all instances must be overlapping each other as if you ran AlignCenter on the instances.
DistributeHorizontally and DistributeVertically icons now preserve columns and rows when objects are initially aligned in columns or rows
Updated Multigrid Toolbar
Implemented to support FinFETs coming in a later release
New buttons to set the grid and grid offset by clicking on the layout rather than entering values
Added two more Mouse Grid buttons that can be added to toolbar for more grid settings
New Grid Settings button that displays the settings for all the grids
New Pick Grid button that prompts user for two clicks to set the grid
If delta-x = 0, use delta-y, and vice versa
If the offset is a multiple of the delta, set it to 0 (or remove them if both 0)
New Pick Grid Offset button that prompts user for a single click to set the grid offset
Setup > Grids menu options added to allow for bindkeysto be assigned to various options
Nudge Now Permits Different Distances in X and Y in L-Edit
Implemented to support FinFETs coming in a later release
Setup > Design > Drawing allows for different X/Y values for nudge
Draw > Nudge > Left/Right or CTRL + Arrow Left/Right will use the X value
Draw > Nudge > Up/Down or CTRL + Arrow Up/Down will use the Y value
Mouse Grid Snapping May Now be Set on a Per-Layer Basis
Implemented to support FinFETs coming in a later release
Per-layer grid settings are on a new Grid tab in Setup > Layers…
Per-layer snapping may be turned on/off in Setup > Grids > Grid Settings…or using Grid Settings icon on the MultiGrid toolbar
Drawing a new object on a layer uses the layer grid if any entry exists for that layer, otherwise uses the default grid
Snap to Grid Now Allows for Selection of Grid To Use
Implemented to support FinFETscoming in a later release
Draw > Convert > Snap to Grid… now brings up a dialog to select grid to use
Options are to snap to Manufacturing Grid, Mouse Snap Grid and support for new Layer Snap Grid (if available for the layer)
New Edit Lock Key to Limit Horizontal/Vertical Editing in L-Edit
When editing, holding down SHIFT key currently forces horizontal or vertical editing, and holding down CTRL key currently forces 45-degree editing
Once you begin one of these edits, you can now also hold down the ALT key, then the direction of the edit is "locked“ in the direction you started moving
ODB++ Import and Export Now Available in L-Edit
File > Import Mask Data > ODB++… and File > Export Mask Data > ODB++… options are available from the menu
L-Edit Now Respects the Read-Only Setting in the .oalibFile in the Library Folder
If a reservation attempt is made on a cell where the .oalibfile is Read-only, a warning will appear in the command line and in a pop-up dialog
Convert Labels to Ports Now Allows For Rectangular Ports in L-Edit
Draw > Port Utilities > Convert Labels to Ports… now provides a field for port box width and height
New Calibre Selection of License to Use for Calibre RealTime
The Setup Calibre Connections dialog now contains an option to set the Calibre Realtime License
Options are Tanner Calibre One, Calibre RealTime Custom Lite (used with PVS or Calibre RealTime Lite licenses), or Calibre RealTime Custom
Added Ability to Provide a LIST File to Setup List of Netlist/RTL Files for TDI in L-Edit
The Setup Tanner Digital Implementer > Netlist/RTL page now contains a List File option to setup the list of Netlist/RTL files, rather than entering them individually in the GUI
VHDL requires order to the file list so this allows users to specify the order of files in the provided list
We parse the content of the file and copy all the files listed in the list file to remote server
Files provided in the list can have varying paths to each file and will still work on remote server