Calibre Design Solutions
晶圓代工廠的黃金 DRC 工具
Most accurate, most trusted, and best-performing IC sign-off verification and DFM optimization in the EDA industry.
Calibre Physical Verification
The Calibre Physical Verification nmPlatform provides foundries, IDMs, and fabless companies with a comprehensive and innovative suite of functionality that addresses their physical verification needs from established nodes to the most advanced processes.
Calibre nmPlatform工具套件在EDA產業中獨具優勢,其整合了各種主流的IC設計與布局實作工具。這種無縫整合的特點,使設計團隊能從於智慧財產 、區塊/巨集和全晶片層級輕鬆運用Calibre工具,這些工具都從其客製化設計或布局與佈線設計環境中執行。此外,Calibre平台還具備獨特的檢視與除錯能力,可加快各設計階段的速度。

Calibre Circuit Verification
The Calibre Circuit Verification suite includes layout vs. schematic (LVS), reliability verification and parasitic extraction. These tools provide sign-off quality results, as well as integration into Siemens EDA and 3rd-party products for circuit simulation and other downstream requirements.
晶片製造變得越來越難,且需要的時間也越來越長,這種趨勢是相當明顯的。創新的早期階段設計驗證技術套件不斷擴充,Calibre nmLVS-Recon 工具是此套件的一部分,可讓設計團隊快速地檢視有大量瑕疵且不成熟的設計,能更早且更快地找出並修正有重大影響的電路錯誤,從而在整體上縮短晶片製造時程與上市時間。

Calibre Reliability Verification
Reliability verification helps ensure the robustness of an IC design by considering the context of schematic and layout information to perform checks against various electrical and physical design rules that reduce susceptibility to premature or catastrophic electrical failures, usually over time.
Calibre PERC 可靠性平台具有結合電氣與物理屬性的能力,可為 ESD、EOS、多電源域、先進 ERC 等可靠性問題提供先進的自動電路驗證。透過為當今最具挑戰性的電氣設計規則提供 sign-off 品質的自動化環境感知驗證,Calibre PERC 可靠性平台讓設計公司可以在時程及預算內交付可靠、耐用的產品,並達成市場要求的性能表現和產品壽命。

Calibre Design for Manufacturing
At nanometer nodes, design sign-off requires more than DRC and LVS. Calibre DFM yield analysis, printability, and performance validation tools provide layout modifications and design flow-based yield-enhancing operations and ensure IC design optimization, performance, and reliability.
Calibre DFM套件工具針對隨機性,系統性與參數性的良率損失,提供了廣泛的良率分析解決方案。Calibre YieldEnhancer以及Calibre DesignEnhancer能夠將更多製造端的資訊傳遞給上游的設計工程師,賦予他們在自動化環境下更有能力設計出良率更好以及可靠度更高的產品。

Calibre Interfaces
The Calibre nmPlatform integrates with all major custom design tools, place and route systems, and a wide range of specialty design tools. Interfaces bring the power of Calibre sign-off engines to designers throughout the design flow, enabling early detection and correction of manufacturing issues.
Calibre RealTime介面能直接調用Calibre分析引擎,執行經晶圓代工廠認證具簽核等級Calibre的規則檢查平台,針對設計規則違規提供即時回饋及規則遵循建議,協助加快設計速度,提高結果品質。