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Enlight Technology

Cross-platform database validation: Don’t add applications without it!

By James Paris


The OASIS* database format is a widely used industry standard in electronic design automation (EDA) software for integrated circuit (IC) design flows. While the OASIS standard provides a set of rules for the format and content of the file, different EDA tools may create different solutions to represent the same layout in OASIS format. These variations in the content and structure of the resulting databases may cause significant issues in the production IC design implementation flow. To prevent these inconsistencies, computer-aided design (CAD) teams must perform rigorous evaluation and testing of database integrity to validate content equivalency when transitioning to or adding a new application for the production flow. This process should include a comprehensive data comparison of the database produced by the new application against a known good dataset that extends beyond the traditional layout versus layout (LVL) XOR polygon-level comparison, including specific layout object, cell placement, and hierarchy comparisons to ensure compatibility with the production methodology.


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